Kamis, 17 Maret 2011



The 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights

The 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights

The 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights
Yogyakarta, 19-22 October 2011
1. Youth Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
2. Family planning, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Challenges to
Achieve MDGs
3. Gender Based Violence
4. Ageing Bodies, Vibrant Sexualities
5. Children: Rights to Protection and Information
6. Diversity and Inequality in SRHR
7. Linkages Between Population, SRHR and Climate Change
8. Dynamic in Pharmaceutical Development and SRHR
9. The Politics of Budget
10. Sexuality, Culture and Religions
11. HIV/AIDS and the Development Nexus
Youth Forum
1. Workshop on formulating guiding principles on diversity youth for in advocating for SRHR
2. Building alliance and inter-identity dialogues
3. Special inter-identity and intercultural art performance
4. Youth spaces in all activities of the conferences
5. Call for change through commitment tree/board
6. Youth campaign through daily bulletins, public blogs and internet-based social networks
Application Procedure
Application must be submitted through On-line Application Submission System
Scholarships will be available for some eligible participants
Conference Secretariat
Center for Population and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University
Masri Singarimbun Building, Jl. Tevesia, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Phone: 62-274-556564, 62-274-547867, Fax: 62-274-556563
Website: http://www.apcrshr6.org/
Email: info@apcrshr6.org
Deadline of Applications: 1st May 2011
For detail information please open : http://www.apcrshr6.org/

2011 Indonesian Arts And Culture Scholarship Programme: Short Term Programme

2011 Indonesian Arts And Culture Scholarship Programme
Short Term Programme
The Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship
25 April – 29 July 2011

The Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship has been conducted since 2003 and was initially offered to and participated by member countries of the South West Pacific Dialogue (SwPD); Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Timor-Leste, and the host Indonesia.
Bearing in mind the significance and advantages obtained from the program, the offer was expanded over the years to include member countries of ASEAN, ASEAN+3, and PIF, as well as India and South Africa. In 2008, Indonesia welcomed the participation of Azerbaijan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Since 2009, Austria has joined the program and in 2010 the Government of Indonesia has given the opportunity for participants from France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain and Suriname. This year, Indonesia will invite participant from Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Turkey to join the program.
Due to the limited space and the vast amount of interest in the program, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in cooperation with Indonesian embassies and consulates overseas, hold a series of selection process. Taken into considerations are, among others, the participants’ background, gender and regional representation.
In order to deepen the participants’ understanding of Indonesian arts and culture, and to enhance their skills for the final performance, participants will be divided and assigned by the organising committee to different arts centers for the duration of approximately two and a half month. The arts centers are located in Bandung, West Java; Denpasar, Bali; Solo, Central Java; Surabaya, East Java; and Bandar Lampung, Lampung.
Participants will live within or around the arts centers, allowing for the chance to experience the local heritage and interact with the local community. Synergy between theory and practices shared inside and outside the art centers would undoubtedly become the driving force for shaping international cultures and norms, and will eventually strengthen regional as well as global understanding and cooperation at a people-to-people level.
The program serves to demonstrate Indonesia’s commitment in advancing the social culture cooperation of various countries in the world. The program also has an objective to encourage better understanding amongst participants Indonesia’s immensely diverse art and cultural heritage. Finally, the programme aims to cultivate a cultural of cooperation, emerging from direct contact and sharing of cultures amongst people involved in the program, leading to thriving diplomatic relations in the region and worldwide.
Participants of the 2011 IACS include 50 awardees of regional organizations of the SWPD, PIF, as well as from Austria, Azerbaijan, China, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Suriname, The Czech Republic, The Netherlands, The United States, Turkey, and United Kingdom.
The non-degree arts and culture scholarship is offered for three months period of time, starting on 25 April to 29 July 2011.

The participants will be divided into five groups and assigned to the five arts centers (sanggar) located in Bandar Lampung, Lampung; Bandung, West Java; Denpasar, Bali; Solo, Central Java and Surabaya, East Java.
In Bandung, West Java, participants will learn Sundanese art and culture namely the production, maintenance and appreciation to angklung; karawitan, wayang golek, and traditional dance of Sunda.  They will also learn Sundanese and Indonesian Language as a component of the culture.
The participants will learn Javanese art and culture such as the process of batik and its significance; karawitan; traditional Javanese dance; and Javanese language and culture in Solo and Surabaya.
In Bali, the participants will learn Balinese art and culture, namely Balinese dance and gamelan.  Each art centre will also arrange special visit to several historic as well as renowned tourist destinations for participants.
In Bandar Lampung, Lampung, the participants will learn Sumateran art and culture such as selected Sumatera dance and traditional instruments. The center will also arrange extra-curricular activities, excursions and field study.
Prior to their residency at art centres, the participants will undertake 10 days of orientation in Jakarta and will learn issues such as the Aim and Objectives of the Scholarship; Introduction to Indonesian Culture; Information about Bandung, Solo, Surabaya, Denpasar and Bandar Lampung.
The scholarship covers:
  • Tuition fee (including extra-curricular activities);
  • A round trip economy class ticket;
  • Accommodation (board and lodging);
  • Health insurance;
  • Monthly allowance of Rp. 1.500.000,-.

For the Indonesian applicants, the application form could be sent to:
Directorate of Public Diplomacy
Tower Building, 12th Floor
Jl. Taman Pejambon no. 6
Jakarta 10110

For the foreign applicants, the application form could be sent to:
The Embassy/the Consulate General of Indonesia in respective countries


All applications should be received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia on 20 March 2011, at the latest.


1. Application Form“Click Here” (*Right Click Mouse,Save As)
2. The Scholarship Committee E-mail : iacs2011@yahoo.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Terms and Conditions:
1.    Candidates should preferably be between the ages of 21 to 30 years-old with at least a high school diploma;
2.    Candidates should possess high interest and talent in arts. Arts students or those with an academic history on Indonesian culture are encouraged to apply;
3.    Bearing in mind the intensity of the program, candidates are highly advised to ensure prime physical conditions, particularly for female candidates to ensure that they do not conceive prior and during the program;
4.    Candidates must complete the application form (attached) and submit it along with the followings:
1)    3 (three) passport-sized photographs;
2)    A photo-copy of passport with validity period at least two years;
3)    A photo-copy of academic diploma;
4)    A photo-copy of the latest valid health certification from a qualified medical practitioner.  On the day of leaving the origin country, participants should equipped themselves with a valid health certification from a qualified medical practitioner;
5)    A letter of recommendation;
6)    A personal statement declaring the following:
a.     the willingness to be subject to Indonesian laws and regulations during his/her stay in Indonesia;
b.     the willingness to follow all the rules and regulations set up by the organizing committee and art centers;
c.     the willingness to accept the facilities provided by the organizing committee and arts centers and stay at the designated accommodations;
d.     not to work or be employed for financial benefits during the program;
e.     the willingness to follow the travel arrangements arranged by the organizing committee to and from Indonesia;
f.      the willingness to participate in all the program arranged by the organizing committee and art centers, unless, during the program, declared unfit by a qualified medical practitioner;
g.     the willingness to leave Indonesia immediately after the closing ceremony, at a date determined by the organizing committee.
5.    The programme will include Indonesian language lessons.  A minimum skill in Bahasa Indonesia or English will be an advantage for candidates, but is not a main criterion for the programme.
I.     Orientation programme in Jakarta, 25 April – 1 May 2011
§   Bahasa Indonesia courses;
§   Introduction to Indonesian history, culture and foreign policy;
§   Visits to museums and other Indonesian tourism landmarks;
§   An outbound training.
II.   Indonesian Arts and Cultural Training, May – July 2011
§   Sundanese culture (in Bandung)
a.       Angklung and arumba (traditional Sundanese instruments);
b.       Wayang golek (traditional Sundanese puppetry);
c.       Selected Sundanese dances;
d.       Pencak silat (traditional Sundanese martial arts);
e.       Extra-curricular activities, excursions and field study.
§   Javanese culture (in Solo and Surabaya)
a.       Selected Javanese dances;
b.       Karawitan musical arts;
c.       Extra-curricular activities, excursions and field study.
§   Balinese culture (in Denpasar)
a.       Selected Balinese dances;
b.       Gamelan (traditional Balinese instruments);
c.       Extra-curricular activities, excursions and field study.
§   Sumateran culture (in Bandar Lampung)
a.       Selected Sumatera dances;
b.       Traditional Sumatera instruments;
c.       Extra-curricular activities, excursions and field study.
Informasi mengenai syarat beasiswa, pendaftaran, dan pilihan studi bisa dilihat di situs Kementerian Luar Negeri di http://www.kemlu.go.id


Beasiswa Program Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara (PPAN), Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia Tahun 2011

TELEPON/FAKSIMILE (62-21)5738155, 5738318, 5738312, 5703966, 5703987,
5738152, 5704004, 57385292, 5738153, 5731106
Jakarta, 3 Maret 2011
Nomor: 0384 /D.I MENPORA/3/2011
Lampiran: Satu berkas
Hal: Seleksi Calon Peserta Program Pertukaran Antar Negara (PPAN) Tahun 2011-2012
Kepada Yth.
Kepala Dinas/Badan/Biro Provinsi
yang Menangani Kepemudaan
Seluruh Indonesia
Dengan hormat, kami sampaikan bahwa Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga melalui Deputi Bidang Pemberdayaan Pemuda akan melaksanakan Program Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara (PPAN) Tahun 2011-2012.
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut kami mohon bantuan Saudara untuk melakukan seleksi peserta, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
A. Panitia Seleksi Daerah
Tim seleksi daerah melibatkan unsur lembaga / pemerintah / perguruan tinggi / individu yang menguasai:
1. Bidang Psikologi
2. Bahasa Inggris
3. Bidang Komunikasi
4. Bidang Seni Budaya
B. Persyaratan Calon Peserta
1. Warga Negara Indonesia;
2. Memiliki akses yang kuat dalam bidang Pemberdayaan Pemuda;
3. Usia:
a. Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia Kanada (PPIK): usia 18-23 tahun;
b. Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia Australia (PPIA): usia 21-25 tahun;
c. Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia Malaysia (PPIM): usia 23-27 tahun;
d. Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia Korea Selatan (PPIKS): usia 18-25 tahun;
e. Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia Cina (PPIC): usia 18-25 tahun;
f. Program Ship for South East Asia Youth Program (SSEAYP): usia 20-30 tahun.
4. Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
5. Minimal lulus SLTA;
6. Belum menikah:
7. Aktif dan berminat dalam bidang pemberdayaan masyarakat (community empowerment);
8. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan dengan skor kompetensi minimum memenuhi salah satu sistem tes sebagaimana ketentuan berikut:
1. Test of English for lnternational Communication (TOEIC): 400
2. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
a. TOEFL Paper: 432
b. TOEFL CBT: 120
c. TOEFL IBT: 40
3. lnternational English Language Testing Sysfem (IELTS): 3.5
4. Cambridge Exam: Preliminary English Test (PET)
9. Belum pernah mengikuti program pertukaran pemuda dengan luar negeri yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga;
10. Menguasai salah satu atau lebih jenis keterampilan kesenian;
11. Belum pernah terlibat dalam tindakan kriminal dan dijatuhi hukuman berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan, dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian;
12. Lulus seleksi ditingkat daerah dan pusat;
13. Semua calon peserta yang lulus seleksi daerah akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti medical check up (MCU) di Jakarta, pada rumah sakit yang ditunjuk oleh Kedutaan Besar negara tujuan di Jakarta (untuk program PPIK dan PPIA).
14. Calon peserta yang tidak lolos dalam MCU di Jakarta, maka nominasinya akan digantikan oleh calon peserta unggulan kedua dari provinsi dimaksud dengan jenis kelamin yang sama.
C. Persyaratan Administratif bagi peserta yang lulus seleksi
1. Akte kelahiran atau kenal lahir;
2. Izin tertulis bermaterai Rp.6000,- asli dari orang tua / instansi yang bersangkutan,
3. Menyerahkan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Kepolisian Daerah setempat;
4. Surat pernyataan peserta bermaterai Rp.6000,- yang telah ditandatangani pula oleh orang tua / instansi yang mengirimkan peserta, menyatakan kesediaan untuk mentaati peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga;
5. KTP yang masih berlaku;
6. Fotokopi paspor yang masih berlaku (paspor asli harap dibawa ketika acara Pre Departure Training);
7. Fotokopi sertifikat kompetensi Bahasa Inggris (TOEIC / TOEFL / IELTS / Cambridge Exam) yang disahkan Kadispora / Kadisdik tingkat Kota / Kabupaten;
8. Pasfoto berwarna 2X3 dan 4X6 masing-masing sebanyak 6 lembar;
9. Menyerahkan karya tulis dalam Bahasa Inggris (minimal 1000 kata) mengenai kegiatan selama mengikuti program dan rencana kegiatan pasca program.
D. Pembiayaan
1. Yang ditanggung masing-masing daerah adalah biaya pengurusan paspor di provinsi masing-masing.
2. Yang ditanggung oleh Pemerintah Provinsi adalah:
a. Uang saku peserta selama mengikuti program;
b. Biaya perjalanan dari tempat tinggal ke ibukota provinsi;
c. Akomodasi selama di ibukota provinsi.
3. Yang ditanggung oleh Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga adalah:
a. Biaya visa, airport tax dan tiket ke negara tujuan PP;
b. Transport dari ibukota provinsi – Jakarta (PP) untuk mengikuti program;
c. Perlengkapan dan akomodasi selama mengikuti program;
d. Biaya medical check up untuk peserta PPIK dan PPIA
E. Kuota Peserta
Seleksi peserta pada tiap provinsi agar merujuk kepada matriks alokasi kuota terlampir.
F. Waktu Pengiriman Hasil Seleksi
Data hasil seleksi program diharapkan dapat kami terima paling lambat tanggal 4 April 2011 dengan format sebagaimana terlampir. Setiap program terdiri atas unggulan pertama dan unggulan kedua (sebagai cadangan, dengan jenis kelamin yang sama) berdasarkan peringkat hasil seleksi. Jumlah calon peserta unggulan kedua (cadangan) sama dengan jumlah calon unggulan pertama.
G. Informasi ini dapat dilihat juga di www.kemenpora.go.id
Atas perhatian dan kerjasama saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Tembusan Yth.
1. Bapak Menteri Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga d.p Seskemenpora;
2. Gubernur Provinsi di seluruh Indonesia.
Contact Person:
1) Drs. Mirhan Tabrani, M.Ed (HP. 0878 7764 9349);
2) Drs. Abri Eko Noerjanto, MM (HP. 0813 8520 5160)
Download pengumuman resmi disini.
Sumber: kemenpora.go.id


 Indonesia-Malaysia Youth Exchange Program (IMYEP)
Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia-Malaysia (PPIM) atau juga sering disebut sebagai Indonesia-Malaysia Youth Exchange Program (IMYEP) merupakan salah satu implementasi dari Memorandum of Understanding antara pemerintah Indonesia dan Kementrian Belia dan Sukan Malaysia. Kesepakatan tersebut bertujuan untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada para pemuda untuk saling belajar pengalaman dari kedua negara khususnya dan dunia internasional umumnya.
Bentuk program ini adalah kegiatan bersama pemuda Indonesia dan Malaysia di Indonesia dan di Malaysia secara bergantian setiap tahunnya. Pada tahun 2007, sesuai dengan kesepakatan yang sudah ada, Indonesia mengirimkan pemuda-pemudi pilihannya ke Malaysia. Program yang dilaksanakan antara lain Courtesy Call, Institutional Visits, Training of Trainers (TOT) dan Homestay.


 China - Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (CIYEP)


AIYEP (Australia -Indonesia Youth Exchange Program)
The Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP) was established in 1981.
It operates under an agreement between the Australian and Indonesian Governments and aims to provide wider opportunities for young people of Indonesia and Australia to appreciate the culture, development and way of life of each other’s country.
In Australia it is funded and managed by the Australia-Indonesia Institute in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; in Indonesia it is managed by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sport. The program is supported by the Cultural Office of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta.
It rotates between the States/Territories of Australia and the different Provinces of Indonesia each year.
The Australian participants, nine men and nine women aged 21-25 years, are chosen from applicants across Australia who are undertaking tertiary studies, or are employed, in areas of relevance to the bilateral relationship. An Indonesian counterpart group of 18 young people is drawn from throughout Indonesia .
The Indonesians visit Australia for two months to participate in home-stays, work experience placements, as well as cultural and social activities in the community. The Australian group then joins the Indonesian participants in a similarly structured two-month return visit to Indonesia .
The program has two main phases in each country: a capital city location, followed by a rural/regional stay. A counterpart system is established between the two groups for the Indonesian stage, in which each Australian is matched with a member of the Indonesian group.
The participants have the potential to be future leaders, and AIYEP is lauded for making a significant and lasting contribution to the betterment of relations between Australia and Indonesia. The program's 25th anniversary was celebrated in February 2007.
The Australian Coordinator is TCN The Communications Network, a consultancy that has a special focus on bilateral projects with Indonesia.


ICYEP (Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange Program)

 by; Pratama Yoga Nugroho

What is implied in ICYEP?
ICYEP stands for Indonesia Canada Youth Exchange Program. This program is coordinated by the Ministry of Youth and Sport (Menpora) and Canada World Youth using the concept of learning through experiences. The participants could find vast learning space in the community, either during in Canada or Indonesia. The participants join the program for approximately 8 months comprising two phases based on the program sites, which are Indonesia and Canada.
Who can be the participants?
All Indonesian citizens who qualify and pass the selection process coordinated by the Ministry of Youth and Sport could participate in this program. The whole participants consist of participating youths, project supervisor, and foster families.
Where does the fund come from?
The fund is budgeted from the development account of both countries through Canada World Youth and Ministry of Youth and Sport of Indonesia.
What are the activities during the program?
Each year, the activities during the program are scheduled based on the work plan approved by both countries. Generally, the activities comprise of social work, community development in mostly rural areas, and “on hand” experience giving activities in cross cultural understanding.
Who are involved in the program?
The participating youths, foster families, and project supervisor. The participating youths are Indonesian youths aged between 19-23 years old who have beforehand qualified the forthright selection process in provincial level. The foster families are the families where the participants stay during the program, either in Indonesia or Canada. During the entire program and home stay, each participant will be coupled with a male or female counterpart from the Canadian side. Project supervisor is a program alumna who has qualified the requirement and passed through the selection process as well.
What are the main activities?
Consist of Work Placement and Educational Activity Day. The Work Placement is where we learn professionalism and supervised by a stakeholder in the workplace. Each participant must work in at least one workplace which basically owns the same principle either in Indonesia or Canada which is to learn how a social effort can be bear in its truthful meaning using modern management principles. Educational Activity Day or Village Day is a day in each week during the program where a series of activities and creativities yet packed with logics is held by and for the participants.
What are the advantages obtained by joining the program?
To participate the program is to gain an experience of a lifetime which is meaningful, resourceful, and useful lessons for as long as you live. Within seven months on the program alone, it can much reflect years of learning process on the school benches and yet enriched with dynamic activities and rational thought and sensations. Through the experiences of interacting with different situations and human characters, the participants could avoid themselves from arrogance, antipathy, and misjudgment to the kin as well as to reach back to their roots and cultures they belong. The participants will be able to open and clear their minds as a basic requirement for intellectual and courteous personality. The participants are therefore expected to be the world citizens who continuously contribute to the community with all their strength wherever they are.



Ship for South-East Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP)

Program Kapal Pemuda Asia Tenggara atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai Ship for South-East Asia Youth Program (SSEAYP) merupakan program pertukaran pemuda antar negara-negara ASEAN dan Jepang yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan keputusan bersama yang dikeluarkan pada tahun 1974 antara pemerintah Jepang, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Philipina, dan Thailand. Seiring berkembangnya keanggotaan ASEAN, maka di tahun 1997 Brunei Darussalam, Kamboja, Vietnam, Myanmar, dan Laos telah bergabung di program ini. Program ini dikelola oleh negara-negara peserta program dan Jepang sebagai sponsor utama.

Di Indonesia, program ini dilaksanakan di bawah koordinasi Kementrian Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga. Secara umum, program ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat jejaring (network) dan pemahaman antarbudaya (mutual understanding) di antara pemuda Asia Tenggara dan Jepang. Di samping itu, SSEAYP sendiri juga dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan motivasi para pemuda serta memajukan kerjasama internasional melalui pelaksanaan berbagai kegiatan selama program. Salam program SSEAYP ini sekitar 360 peserta dari negara - negara ASEAN dan Jepangmelakukan pelayaran selama 53 dengan menggunakan kapal Fuji Maru serta mengunjungi beberapa negara di ASEAN dan Jepang. Kegiatan SSEAYP secara umum dikelompokkan menjadi 2 komponen utama, yaitu: On board activities dan Country Program.

Di dalam on borad activities, berbgai kegiatan dijalankan oleh para participating youth (PYs), diantaranya:
  • Diskusi: PYs akan dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok sesuai tema diskusi yang paling diminiati. Melalui kegiatan ini diharapkan peserta mampu menambah pengetahuan dengan saling berbagi informasi bersama peserta dari negara-negara lain.
  • Solidarity Group Activities: PYs akan dikelompokkan dalam sebuah tim (disebut Solidarity Group, atau lebih dikenal sebagai SG) yang beranggotakan peserta program dari negara-negara yang berbeda. Mereka akan berbaur serta berinteraksi sambil melaksanakan serangkaian kegiatan selama kapal berlayar. Melalui kegiatan kelompok semacam ini peserta diharapkan dapat memperoleh wawasan serta pemahaman antarbudaya yang lebih kuat.
  • Club Activities: Dalam kegiatan ini, perwakilan dari masing-masing negara peserta diberikan kesempatan untuk dapat saling berbagi pengetahuan kebudayaan (cultural knowledge) mereka dengan mengajarkan dan mempertunjukkan kepada peserta dari negara-negara lain. Melalui kegiatan ini pandangan peserta diharapkan dapat menjadi lebih luas dengan mengetahui berbagai bentuk aktualisasi kebudayaan bangsa-bangsa lain yang selama ini mungkin belum banyak terpaparkan.
  • Pertunjukan dan Pameran Kebudayaan (Cultural Performance and Exhibition): Pada kegiatan ini setiap negara peserta program akan diberikan kesempatan untuk dapat menampilkan seluruh kekayaan khazanah kebudayaannya. Pertunjukan dilaksanakan di salah satu hall yang ada di Kapal Fuji Maru yang dinamakan Pacific Hall. Kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu kegiatan favorit yang mendapatkan banyak perhatian dan sorotan. Meski peserta program bukan lah penampil profesional, namun tak berarti penampilan mereka hanyalah sekedar “apa adanya”. Latihan keras sebelum keberangkatan program di negara masing-masing akan menggembleng peserta untuk dapat memberikan penampilan terbaik bagi negaranya sekaligus kepada seluruh negara peserta program.
Selain on board activities ada juga yang dinamakan country program. Country program dilaksanakan pada saat kapal berlabuh di negara-negara yang disinggahi. Kegiatan dalam contry program bentuknya cukup beragam, bergantung pada pengaturan (arrangement) oleh panitia lokal di negara yang disinggahi. Secara tipikal, sebuah Country Program akan mengambil bentuk-bentuk kegiatan antara lain sebagai berikut:
  1. Welcome Ceremony: Merupakan upacara penyambutan resmi saat kapal berlabuh dan seluruh peserta akan disambut oleh panitia lokal untuk selanjutnya menjalankan serangkaian aktivitas dalam Country Program.
  2. Courtesy Calls: Merupakan kunjungan resmi ke berbagai institusi pemerintah. Umumnya PYs ini akan berkunjung dan disambut secara resmi oleh kepala negara yang bersangkutan.
  3. Institutional Visits: Dalam kegiatan ini PYs akan dibagi ke dalam beberapa kelompok, di mana masing-masing kelompok akan berkunjung ke berbagai institusi pemerintah maupun swasta serta beberapa tempat menarik lainnya (misalnya: studio televisi atau institusi media, universitas setempat serta sejumlah obyek wisata).
  4. Interaction with Local Youth: Dalam kegiatan ini PYs akan berinteraksi dengan pemuda setempat di negara yang disinggahi dalam berbagai bentuk kegiatan, antara lain forum diskusi serta berbagai keterlibatan dalam kegiatan kepemudaan setempat lainnya.
  5. Homestay: Dalam kegiatan ini PYs akan tinggal bersama keluarga lokal di negara yang disinggahi. Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi kesempatan pada peserta program untuk dapat merasakan kehidupan sebagaimana layaknya masyarakat setempat. PYs akan diposisikan sebagai anggota keluarga di mana mereka akan ikut serta melaksanakan ritual harian sekaligus menjalankan berbagai kebiasaan setempat. Diharapkan melalui kegiatan ini PYs mampu mengembangkan kemampuan berinteraksi sosial lintas budaya yang lebih kuat sekaligus menanamkan nilai-nilai persahabatan dan perdamaian.
  6. Farewell dan Send-Off Ceremony: Sebagai penutup kegiatan Country Program, PYs akan dilepas dalam sebuah upacara perpisahan sekaligus pelepasan untuk kembali berlanjut berlayar.


Sannas Dilla adalah :



Participant of Indonesia Youth Exchange Program 2010-2011 


ARIO SHEVA adalah:

Rizka Yulia Culank

Rizka Yulia Culank adalah:

Fardha Aal Syahrial

Fardha Aal Syahrial adalah : Alumni ICYEP 2009,
Participant of Indonesia Youth Exchange Program 2009-2010

info lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi Blogg beliau di:




Merlyanda Puspa Indah Adalah:Alumni ICYEP
Participant of Indonesia Youth Exchange Program 2007-2008 

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

IYEP - PPAN 2011 Bangka Belitung


Available quotas for Bangka Belitung on the selection year 2011:
Ship for South East Asian Youth Program (SSEYAP) – The duration of the program is 2 months. Babel is entitled for one male participant.

Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange Program (ICYEP) – The total duration of the program is 6 months, consists of 3 months each for Indonesia Phase and Canada Phase. Bangka Belitung is entitled for one female participant.

Indonesia Malaysia Youth Exchange Program (IMYEP) – The duration of the program is 2 weeks. Bangka Belitung is entitled for one male participant.

Korea-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (PPIKS) – The duration is to be advised.Bangka Belitung is entitled for one female participant.

  • Indonesian citizen
  • Listed as a citizen of Bangka Belitung (proven by KTP Bangka Belitung)
  • Physically and  mentally healthy
  • Single
  • Fluent in English (both verbal and written)
  • Have a broad view of international & national issues
  • Have competency in arts and culture
  • Never joined any international youth exchange program sponsored by Ministry of National Education or Ministry of Youth and Sports of Republic of Indonesia

SSEAYP (Ship for South East Asia Youth Program ) Requirements:
  • Male
  • 20-30 Years of age
ICYEP (Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia Kanada( PPIK) Requirements:
  • Female
  • 18-23 Years of age
IMYEP (Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia-Malaysia) Requirements:
  • Male
  • 23-27 Years of age
Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia Korea Selatan( PPIKS)  Requirements:
  • Female
  • 18-25 Years of age
 JENESYS Requirements

- Male & Female

  • The registration form submission deadline is due from April 4, 2011 to April 5 2011 (every 9 AM – 5 PM) at Dinas Pemuda dan Olah raga, Perkantoran Air Itam Pagkalpinang.
  • Insert registration form and the supporting requirements in yellow folder for SSEAYP ,  green folder for AIYEP, brown folder for ChIYEP, red folder for ICYEP, and blue folder for IMYEP.
  • Applicants must submit in person completed form with following documents:
  • One copy of Bangka Belitung ID Card (KIPEM/KTP Babel)
  • One copy of student ID Card (for student)
  • Permission letter from the workplace (for employee)
  • One copy of most recent academic Diploma (school/college/university)
  • One copy of English Proficiency Test Result (if available)
  • Confidential Reference Form (included in Application Form 2011)
  • Recent color photographs: 2 sheets of 3×4 (one affixed and one attached) and 1 sheet of postcard size (4R)
  • Personal CV and supporting documents/credentials
 Info lain bisa dilihat di sini
*selengkapnya klik di sini

    IYEP - PPAN Bangka Belitung

    International Youth Exchange Program (IYCEP) atau yang sering di sebut dengan Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara. (PPAN) adalah Program rutin dari Kementrian Pemuda dan Olahraga Indonesia untuk memberdayakan pemuda diseluruh Indonesia programnya antaralain

    Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia-Kanada/Indonesia Canada Youth Exchange Programme.
    • Warga Negara Indonesia
    • berusia 18-23 tahun
    • Minimal lulus SMA
    • Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
    • Belum Menikah
    • Mampu berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan (TOEIC=400 / TOFEL=432)
    • Menguasai salah satu atau lebih jenis keterampilan kesenian daerah
    Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia-Australia/IndonesiaAustraliaYouth Exchange Programme.
    • Warga Negara Indonesia
    • berusia 21-25 tahun
    • Minimal lulus SMA
    • Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
    • Belum Menikah
    • Mampu berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan(TOEIC=400 / TOFEL=432)
    • Menguasai salah satu atau lebih jenis keterampilan kesenian daerah
      - Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia-Korea Selatan/Indonesia South Korea Youth Exchange Programme
      • Warga Negara Indonesia
      • berusia 18-25 tahun
      • Minimal lulus SMA
      • Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
      • Belum Menikah
      • Mampu berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan(TOEIC=400 / TOFEL=432)
      • Menguasai salah satu atau lebih jenis keterampilan kesenian daerah
      Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia-Cina/Indonesia - Cina Youth Exchange Programme
      • Warga Negara Indonesia
      • berusia 18-25 tahun
      • Minimal lulus SMA
      • Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
      • Belum Menikah
      • Mampu berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan(TOEIC=400 / TOFEL=432)
      • Menguasai salah satu atau lebih jenis keterampilan kesenian daerah

      - Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia-Malaysia/Indonesia Malaysia Youth Exchange Programme.
      • Warga Negara Indonesia
      • Laki-laki berusia 23-27 tahun
      • Minimal lulus SMA
      • Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
      • Belum Menikah
      • Mampu berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
      • Menguasai salah satu atau lebih jenis keterampilan kesenian daerah
      Program Kapal Pemuda ASEAN/Ship for South-East Asia Youth Programme

      • Warga Negara Indonesia
      • Laki-laki berusia 20-30 tahun
      • Minimal lulus SMA
      • Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
      • Belum Menikah
      • Mampu berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan (TOEIC=400 / TOFEL=432)
      • Menguasai salah satu atau lebih jenis keterampilan kesenian daerah

      *selengkapnya klik di sini

      Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia (PCMI) BABEL

      Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia (PCMI) adalah sebuah organisasi independen yang didirikan oleh beberapa alumni pertukaran pemuda antar negara di Indonesia di tahun 1977. Di tingkat nasional, PCMI dikordinasi oleh sebuah panitia pusat yang berkedudukan di Jakarta. Sementara di tingkat provinsi, kegiatan PCMI dilaksanakan oleh pengurus daerah masing-masing. Alumni program pertukaran pemuda memiliki berbagai pengalaman berharga yang mereka peroleh selama mengikuti program. Paparan di tingkat internasional juga merupakan salah satu kelebihan yang didapat dari keikutsertaan pada program ini. Pada gilirannya, segala pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang telah didapat tersebut akan disebarluaskan lebih lanjut kepada masyarakat sebagai salah satu tujuan inti dari sebuah program pertukaran. Jadi, tidak hanya peserta program yang mendapatkan benefit, namun juga masyarakat luas sebagai pemangku kepentingan utama dalam hal ini ikut merasakan benefit tersebut.